The web site of thoughtsofahummingbirdhawkmoth

Dream Journal


elly and kat (two friends of mine) went to a taylor swift concert to cater it amongst over food vendors. online there had been lots of talk of the food being very fancy and all vegetarian. the fancy food kat and elly were serving was yogurt and crisps. someone asked elly for an omelette and she told them she absolutely can’t make them so they were disappointed.


i made trays and trays of sugar cookies but forgot to get the jam before hand so i baked them all without jam. then i went to a village farm shop but they didn’t have jam? i did get a book though. when i came back home dad had set up a competing farm shop selling eggs, berries and veg (also no jam).


i was at a house party and the only person i recognised there was my ex. everyone decided to go to a club so we were walking to the club and on the way we were attacked by these monsters that were like heads on baby bodies that could move really fast along the floor at us. i was really drunk but jumped into my grandmas car to try and drive away but people kept trying to break into the car and i couldn’t see where the lock all doors button was. i ended up crashing the car.


i was at an inter school athletics meet with a girl and two boys from highschool. we were playing some kind of 2 aside football. we did pretty well and our school placed 2nd overall but only the boys got medals. there was also a fair taking place so i had a walk around the fair at the end but i kept losing my rucksack and i was worried about the bus turning up to take us home while my rucksack was missing.


i was shopping with my partner in an american store. i found these cute frilly mini shorts that were on sale for $1-2 each. i picked out 3 pairs and a cute top. we went and paid and as we were leaving the shop i realised i’d been charged $220!!!

i inspected my receipt and the sale hadn’t been applied, things i hadn’t bought were on it and i’d been charged harry potter tax? we went back into the store and i got the discount applied and the things i didn’t buy removed. i asked what on earth the harry potter tax is and was told it was to fund a harry potter festival the store was doing. i asked to opt out and was told it wasn’t possible. i asked if it was mandatory and she said no so i told her in that case i am declining and i had it removed from my bill as well. success.

somehow we arrived at my partners place of work and they were teaching me how to use the coffee machine for customers. i was excited as thought this would be good to put on my cv. they sent me down to the basement to bring up some new coffee beans as we ran out. the basement was filled with soo many types of beans i was completely overwhelmed, dark beans, light beans, fruity beans, citrus beans. i spent ages reading all the packages and stressing knowing the customers are waiting upstairs. my partners boss came down and told me off, he grabbed the last bag of ‘standard beans’ and went back up to deal with the customers.


i was moving flat within an apartment complex, my parents parents were both there helping me take boxes through the lifts to my new flat. The new flat was absolutely packed already with small tables, chairs and stools- i made a joke about it being like kittys flat (a friend whsmith a love for furniture). then i discovered the gas hob had been left on since the previous tenant left with a pan on top. this worried me and i attempted to turn the hob off but nothing seemed to work.

somehow i was now walking on a sandy path through dunes somewhere sunny. i was walking in a large group but only really talking to one guy. he was in search of seeing a cray fish or a cuttle fish of some kind that was sentimental to him.

when we got the the beach we were searching in the corals in the water, luckily we found one pretty quickly! it was very cuttlefish like and covered in swirly rainbow patterns.